Mobile Device Management

Managing A Mobile Workforce The transition to the pervasive use of mobile devices in and outside of the workplace has been both an advantage and disadvantage for small to medium sized businesses. On the one hand, when employees use their own mobile devices for work, businesses cut drastically on month-to-month device and carrier plan costs. Yet, personal mobile devices pose as a potential security threat to your business. Therefore, it is imperative that your organization devises a mobile device management solution before a security attack. Keep in mind that security attacks are not limited to external hackers – several studies have shown that data breaches more commonly come from internal sources. Your own employees, whether knowingly or inadvertently, can be a source of a data breach to your organization. Here are three important tips on mobile security: 1. Make a Company-Wide Policy and Educate Your Employees It is important that you educate your employees using mobile devices for work on the threats and risks of mobile computing. Encourage your employees to keep devices up to date with O/S security updates, anti-virus, and anti-malware. Even better, automate the process so you don’t have to count on busy employees remembering to update software. Write an official company policy that explains what they shall and shall not do on their mobile devices. Employees should store personal data in a separate area from company data on their mobile devices. And, when an employee leaves the company, do not forget to wipe company data from personal mobile devices before they leave.  2. Use a Mobile Device Management Solution Choose a mobile device management system...

3 Things You Need to Know about Broadband Internet

Broadband Internet is all about speed and reliability. In a nutshell, “broadband” refers to a very fast  and persistent connection to the Internet. For business – Cloud computing, web conferencing and hosted voice solutions – having a broadband connection is essential. Here are 3 things you need to know about how broadband Internet that can improve your business: Broadband Internet is Fast  In business, time is money. Broadband indicates a high-speed Internet transmission, using 256 Kbps and above. Compared to dial-up, broadband is permanently connected to the Internet and boasts speeds up to 160 times faster.  Faster connection time means your cloud backups go quicker, VoIP connections are clearer, Software as a Service (SaaS) applications are snappier.  If you are considering running Cloud applications in your business Broadband Internet is a must have. Broadband Internet is More Affordable Than You Think There is a variety of Broadband Internet solutions to meet most budgets.  Broadband includes several high-speed transmission technologies such as: DSL, Cable Modem, Fiber, Ethernet over Copper, MPLS for wide area networking and more.  The bottom line is these solutions offer high speed data and voice transmission for the same or less than older Internet connectivity options.  Your company may  get better service levels with cost savings by selecting the solution that best meets your needs. With Broadband, Network Security is Important With Broadband Internet, your company is  permanently connected to the Internet, exposing your systems to potential risk of hacking and data breach. So, installing a firewall and keeping it up to date is essential for Broadband Internet deployments.  If you recently upgraded to a Broadband solution...

Bright Outlook for Cloud Computing

According to CompTIA’s IT Industry Outlook 2014, cloud computing is even more on the rise since last year. As Generation Y (20-34 years old) infiltrates the work force and members of the Baby Boomer generation reach retirement age, there have been noticeable changes to how technology is used in the workplace. With this shift comes an inevitable increase in cloud computing: “Companies are relying on cloud computing for business processes such as storage (59%), business continuity/disaster recovery (48%), and security (44%)” (CompTIA: IT Industry Outlook 2014). The three models for cloud systems – Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – have all steadily increased year after year, especially among medium-sized businesses. All data points suggest cloud computing is a popular option for business of any size. Are you up to speed on adopting the cloud into your business? How to Leverage Cloud Computing These three main cloud solutions – Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – can leverage your IT business substantially. SaaS provides a way to deliver software and technical services that would otherwise be very costly. Most small businesses can adopt cloud computing into their company only using SaaS services. PaaS allows businesses to create custom apps, databases, and other business services all integrated into one platform. IaaS allows businesses to purchase infrastructure from providers as virtual resources. Which model best fits your business? Advantage of Cloud Computing There are multiple advantages to adopting cloud computing into your IT business, the biggest benefit being the ability to...

Tablet Computers to Outsell PCs in 2015 – What You Need to Know

Tablet Computers are set to outsell PCs in 2015, according to a recent report. According to industry analysts Gartner Group, world wide tablet computer shipments will climb to nearly 321 million units next year.  Meanwhile, Gartner predicts PC shipments will fall to 262 million units in 2015, putting Tablet Computers on track to lead the transition from traditional computing to mobile and cloud technologies. Here are some key points you should consider about this trend. Tablets Computers Provide Cross Platform Support for Cloud Applications Many cloud applications support not only traditional PCs, desktops, and laptops, but also tablet computers, smart phones, and other mobile devices. Tablets allow your employees to work anywhere and in a variety of environments. Because tablet computers take up less space and are WiFi enabled, employees at counters, in the field, on factory and retail floors, in the healthcare sector, or on constructions sites. Other Benefits of Tablet Computers The latest tablet computers are outfitted with a variety of features that are native to the device. They have the ability to take pictures and track location information. They also have touch screen and pen based interface.  Case workers in the field can easily capture images, take notes, and tag locations to case files. Retail workers can look up inventory, architects can have access to drawings, and lawyers can access case files.  The possibilities are limitless with a well designed application. Using Tablet Computers in the Workplace It is important to consider wireless access, network security, and mobile device policy and management when you deploy tablet computers in your business. Limited wireless network access may leave...

Can You Survive a Network Security Attack

Businesses are under constant attack from a variety of network security threats.  Cybercriminals hack databases for passwords for unauthorized access to your network.  Undetected Malicious software (malware) can trap and forward passwords. Viruses can infect your hard drive and destroy application data and files without your knowledge. Businesses large and small face these network security threats on a daily basis; larger organizations, however, may have more resources to fight attacks.  Small businesses may be more vulnerable to downtime and loss of productivity because of thinner margins and resources. Here are a few steps you can take to survive a network security attack. Prevent Network Security Attacks Before they Occur Protect your network by making sure all devices are in compliance with the latest anti-virus and malware updates. Ensure your operating system (O/S) patches are up to date. Protect your network with strong passwords and require your employees to change them regularly.  Discourage writing passwords down, and make sure employees are aware of the risks of a network security attack. Lock Down your Mobile Devices Mobile devices including smartphones and tablets are particularly vulnerable to theft and loss. Passwords on these devices can be easily cracked leaving your applications and data vulnerable to unauthorized access. Train your employees to report theft or loss of mobile devices quickly, and make sure that all data on the device is encrypted.  Having the ability to track and wipe data from these devices is another option to ensure you can survive a network security threat. Backup Your Data Online Backup and Cloud Backup are affordable options to have quick access to applications and data...

Is Your Network Ready for Cloud Computing?

Cloud-based based computing adoption is increasing among many businesses.  According to the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Annual trends in Cloud Computing study, 60% of business owners reported having 30% or more of their IT Systems in the cloud.  Additionally, research firm IDC predicts cloud-computing solutions to total $24 billion by 2016. Why Cloud Computing? CompTIA research reports that of those businesses adopting cloud technology, 49% have experienced the ability to cut costs. Popular uses of cloud-based applications include business productivity, cloud-based email, virtual desktop, HR management, and financial management. Taking Advantage of Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Why Now? Cloud Computing Growth and adoption is driven by a number of trends in IT, including affordable broadband, Internet, virtualization, and mobile computing.  Businesses find it easier than ever to reliably and securely connect to cloud-based infrastructure.  Cloud providers use virtualization to share computing resources, which helps keep costs down and aids in migration and upgrade of hardware platforms.  Mobile users expect cross-platform connection of smart phones and tablet computers to corporate applications and their data.  These factors combined add to the appeal of cloud computing Cloud computing Deployment Scenarios Most cloud-computing deployments use public-cloud, private-cloud and/or hybrid-cloud platforms.  Selecting the right cloud architecture depends on a number of factors, including industry and regulatory compliance requirements, integration with legacy applications, security, and other considerations.  It is equally important to consider your network reliability and availability to ensure a smooth of cloud computing. Most industry analysts agree that cloud computing is here to stay.  Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly important component of IT infrastructure, and companies adopting cloud computing are deriving...
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