Why the Cloud Isn’t Going Away

Cloud Computing is only beginning its growth and progression; more than half of all businesses have already implemented Cloud Computing in some way or another into their day-to-day operations. Whether you need improved security, lowered costs, higher efficiency, a backup plan, or a mixture of these benefits, the Cloud is the answer. There’s no pressure to migrate completely to the Cloud. In fact, if you already use applications like file sharing, website hosting or web based email you already rely on Cloud Computing. Smart IT strategy is researching which parts of the Cloud fit the needs of your business and discussing a flexible solution that can be customized to your organization – that’s why the Cloud already works for so many businesses. If you haven’t yet considered utilizing the Cloud, it’s time to decide if you want to keep up with the latest technology or be left behind. The Cloud is here to stay, and here’s why: Cloud Computing is Reliable The majority of companies trust the Cloud enough to make the migration. With the Cloud, companies have constant access to all the information they need, because they can access it from any computing device and from any location. This flexibility in itself makes the Cloud the most reliable solution. Also, with Cloud solutions, data can be backed up to multiple locations and services, which adds another level of protection. You can always add more levels of protection by choosing to use behavior-based key management servers and encryption management keys. The Cloud is Affordable Cloud computing is known to reduce IT management costs dramatically. Migrating to the Cloud may...

Technology Outlook for 2015

There are many things on our minds as we enter the New Year. For those of you running a business, a question on the forefront of your mind should be: What can we expect from the world of technology in the coming year? Because technology changes so fast these days, it’s important to be ahead of the game and be ready to adapt to changing times. Here is what to expect from the biggest technology trends in 2015: Continued Need for Network Security Mobile applications and mobile search adoption and usage continue to drive the need for network security. Smartphone and tablet shipments are expected to outpace traditional desktops during 2015.  With mobile devices on the rise, businesses need to ensure the security of these devices and prevent business networks from being compromised. Network security, endpoint protection, and other IT Security technologies will be a focus for 2015. The End of Windows Server Support Although Server 2003 currently accounts for about 20% of total Windows Server installations, on July 14, 2015, all Windows Server 2003 extended support will end. Therefore, companies transitioning from Windows 2003 in the coming year must be prepared for the move. Due to the end of Windows Server support, many small to medium sized businesses are migrating to the Cloud, which offers backups, better security, regulatory compliance, and the comfort of knowing that your company is always up to date without having to continually invest more time and money. Server migrations require a lot of planning and ample forethought, so make sure to do your research well before July 14. Cloud Adoption on the Rise...

Do You Fully Understand the Cloud?

In just the past few years, it has become evident that the topic of cloud computing has shifted from a potential game changer to an essential ingredient of modern IT. For those moving down the path of business transformation, the cloud is the primary driver. The International Data Corporation estimates the public cloud market to grow at 23% CAGR through 2018, and they estimate that worldwide spending on hosted private cloud services will exceed $24 billion by 2016. If your organization is not implementing the cloud, you’re already behind. Just the Beginning Even though adoption rates are high, there is still a lot of confusion related to cloud computing. 28% of survey respondents did not know whether their business used a private or public cloud model, which demonstrates the confusion over terminology or lack thereof. Previous eras of IT have lasted for over 20 years; so, after five years, the era of cloud computing is just getting started. CompTIA predicts the next decade will see cloud computing becoming even more accepted as a foundational building block. Cloud Options After these initial five years of cloud computing, the industry is no longer talking generally about the cloud market. Many companies are considering public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud options.  Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, and Platform as a Service change the way that businesses buy IT goods and services. With many businesses shifting their computing infrastructure to the Cloud, companies continue to take advantage of the flexibility and simpler way of managing their applications and data.  If your organization needs guidance learning more about the cloud,...

Is Your Network Ready for Cloud Computing?

Cloud-based based computing adoption is increasing among many businesses.  According to the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Annual trends in Cloud Computing study, 60% of business owners reported having 30% or more of their IT Systems in the cloud.  Additionally, research firm IDC predicts cloud-computing solutions to total $24 billion by 2016. Why Cloud Computing? CompTIA research reports that of those businesses adopting cloud technology, 49% have experienced the ability to cut costs. Popular uses of cloud-based applications include business productivity, cloud-based email, virtual desktop, HR management, and financial management. Taking Advantage of Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Why Now? Cloud Computing Growth and adoption is driven by a number of trends in IT, including affordable broadband, Internet, virtualization, and mobile computing.  Businesses find it easier than ever to reliably and securely connect to cloud-based infrastructure.  Cloud providers use virtualization to share computing resources, which helps keep costs down and aids in migration and upgrade of hardware platforms.  Mobile users expect cross-platform connection of smart phones and tablet computers to corporate applications and their data.  These factors combined add to the appeal of cloud computing Cloud computing Deployment Scenarios Most cloud-computing deployments use public-cloud, private-cloud and/or hybrid-cloud platforms.  Selecting the right cloud architecture depends on a number of factors, including industry and regulatory compliance requirements, integration with legacy applications, security, and other considerations.  It is equally important to consider your network reliability and availability to ensure a smooth of cloud computing. Most industry analysts agree that cloud computing is here to stay.  Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly important component of IT infrastructure, and companies adopting cloud computing are deriving...

Cloud Computing Trends 2013: CompTIA 4th Annual Research Report

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is expected to release their fourth Annual Cloud Computing Trends research study this week.  This cloud computing research is based on a survey of over 500 IT and Business Professionals collected in June 2013. The Fourth Annual CompTIA Cloud Computing Trends report is expected to reveal cloud computing trends and  buying patterns, benefits and challenges related to cloud computing use by businesses.  In addition, over 400 IT firms were surveyed on how the cloud is changing the IT technology channel.  Here are some anticipated highlights of cloud computing trends: Cloud Computing Trends:  Cloud is an Increasing Component of IT Architecture According to the research, 90% of companies are using cloud computing architecture in their business.  The research indicates “as cloud components are becoming more prevalent in IT architectures, more companies are relying on cloud computing for business processes such as storage (59%), business continuity/disaster recovery (48%), and security (44%).  This strong usage and strong market indicators show that cloud computing is becoming a default part of the IT landscape.” Top Benefits of Cloud Computing As Cloud Computing becomes more mainstream a range of business benefits are reported.  While no single reason stands out, businesses report a broad range of benefits by adopting cloud computing technologies:   Cloud Computing Reaches Maturity The research indicates that more than half of  those delivering, managing, integrating and supporting cloud computing solutions feel their cloud computing businesses are mature and strategic.   Integration Remains the Top Cloud Computing Challenge According to the cloud computing study by CompTIA, integration remains at the top of the list for all companies....
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